
Over the years, Gene has provided presentations to dozens of institutes in the United States as well as around the globe. From the East Lothian Council in Scotland to the Disney Institute, see what these happy listeners have to say about Gene’s speaking engagements.

Gene –Please don’t change a thing. Your storytelling (phenomenal) your leadership strategies (relevant and critical) and tactics were perfect! The first word that come to mind was perfect.

Jeff Noel

Disney Institute

Well, you certainly touched a soft and sentimental chord with our group. (Was there one dry eye in the room?) Love your stories. Thanks for the generous dose of Pixie Dust that we all took away.

Mary Flynn

Facilitator, Professional Development programs, Disney Institute

His background in theater was apparent, and helped me thoroughly connect with everything he was saying. I never became bored, he was constantly “waking” the audience up with his methods of presentation (unexpected “outbursts” during his stories). Amazing. I felt connected to every story he told, and he followed up every story with a relevant lesson. There were many tips and pointers about how to make the most of not only your job, but your life. By the end of Gene’s reflection, I was sobbing. He pulled me in completely, and he was so full of emotion when he told his closing story about his father before he passed away, that I was crying like it was someone from my own family. I felt completely connected to him the entire time. One thing that struck me the most was the comment Gene made, “keep a journal…I wish I had”. I went out the very next day and bought a journal, which I began writing in that night.

Courtney L. Maki

Florida A&M University

When my daughter Kelsey got in the car after your guest appearance last night at the Student Advisory Board meeting she was crying her heart out. Your story and the way you encouraged the children made such a huge impact on her. She’ll NEVER forget the things you said and will carry that with her throughout her journey in Musical Theatre and in life. THANK YOU for being an incredible role model and leader. We are so grateful for you.

Denise Kline

Just wanted to say again how much I, along with the other, appreciated and felt inspired by your speech this morning. You’ve done it again! I could hear that speech again and again, and every time find something new that speaks to me.

Nicki Priest

Gene had great presentation skills.  He was a very dynamic speaker and he was able to pull me into his story. When he was happy, I was happy and when he was sad, I was sad.  Even though the presentation was about 2 hours, I was engaged in his story for the entire time.  Gene is a great storyteller and through his stories, I learned about the important things in life, in particular, being happy and satisfied with your job. He spoke about persevering through tough situations and this can be relevant to home life or work.

Dana Baxley

University of Central Florida

I wanted to thank you for sharing your inspiring words and stories this afternoon. I was very touched, and moved to tears. What a beautiful memory I will cherish forever. Your words truly made me realize what a wonderful and exciting journey I am beginning! Thank you for reminding me that anything is possible with a little courage and hard work.

Katherine Roll

I just wanted to thank you for telling us your story and experience of life as well as talking briefly with me after your presentation. It was very encouraging and well as informative. I would love to hear more of your experience as well as advice from you.

Rachel N. Wilfred

Wedding Entertainment, Disney Event Group

I think Gene’s presentation skills were great, I lived in the stories he told. As a theatre major I noticed he used upward and downward inflections, body language to better articulate a point he intended to make. I was so tired from the day but he woke me up with his powerful speech. All the effort he put forth in his presentation was relevant and I find myself thinking of everything he said every day. I was awakened by his message, we had some great speakers, but none made such a positive contribution to my life as he. I left with something. Thanks Gene!

Pierre M. Johnson Jr.

San Jose State University

Fantastic! His stories and experiences with the company gave great insight, and the personal touch he put in each story made them all memorable. Each story left an impression on me and inspired me to make the most of my time in my internship. I came home and told my roommates all about the simple ways to achieve my goals. Simple things like being respectful, don’t gossip, uphold your character and integrity, and other things that can make a huge difference in a career but can also be things that can sometimes be overlooked or expected as common knowledge. I appreciated the time he took. I have utmost respect for him, and truly appreciate his taking the time to speak with us.

Lane Stracener

Missouri State University

Your materials were very relevant to the presentation, and the advice given was priceless. I’m the type that always says that life is too short to be wasted so it is important to really LIVE, but hearing the testimonial of your father’s final years and the things he was determined to experience before he passed caused me to realize that I say how important it is to LIVE, but I am still so boxed into my comfort zone that life is very rapidly passing me by.

Shawn’ta Kelly

H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business & Entrepreneurship at Nova Southeastern

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